Success Stories

Tucker R.
Texas Christian University, Fall 2023
From Military Ambitions to a Perfect Fit at TCU
Tucker, an exceptional student and varsity hockey player, sought my guidance during the second semester of his junior year to navigate the complex application processes for military academies and to complete the Common Application. We began by addressing the specific requirements for military academies, which included securing Congressional nominations, undergoing medical exams, and completing the Candidate Fitness Assessment.
As summer approached, our focus shifted to crafting his essays. However, Tucker was committed to working as a counselor at an all-boys camp in New Hampshire—a place that had been a significant part of his childhood. This commitment required us to establish a rigorous schedule that accommodated his camp responsibilities. Despite these demands, Tucker's exceptional discipline ensured he remained focused on his college applications.
Upon his return, he applied to nine universities. Although Tucker had initially envisioned a career in the military, an impactful visit to Texas Christian University (TCU) steered him towards a different path. His decision became clear during one of our sessions when he presented a journal entry intended for the "Freedom of Expression" essay. The profound authenticity of his words gave me chills. It was evident that TCU was the perfect match for him. Now, Tucker is thriving as he completes his freshman year, fully embracing the new direction his journey has taken at TCU.

James G.
University of Colorado at Boulder, Fall 2023
Finding Resilience and a New Path at CU Boulder
I had known James for many years as a vibrant, outgoing, and intelligent young man. An enthusiastic cross-country runner and a friend to all, he was excelling in high school. I had recently completed the college application process with his older brother in November of James' junior year when an unexpected medical crisis occurred. James found himself performing CPR on his brother in a critical moment. Thankfully, his brother recovered and went on to college the following fall, but the incident deeply affected James. He struggled to regain his focus on the college application process.
During our sessions, we often focused on addressing his feelings about college and establishing a manageable schedule for him. Despite some initial uncertainty about his choice, James decided to attend the University of Colorado at Boulder. Once there, not only did he thrive academically in the business school, but he also fully embraced the vibrant culture of CU Boulder, proving that sometimes resilience and embracing new environments can lead to remarkable personal growth.

Connor S.
University of Utah, Fall 2023
Entrepreneurial Dreams Realized at the University of Utah
Connor launched his first business at the age of 12, spurred by a Christmas gift of a used lawnmower from his parents. Over the following six years, he expanded this early venture by hiring staff, managing payroll, and overseeing scheduling and customer service. Concurrently, he founded several local nonprofit organizations, showcasing his entrepreneurial spirit from a young age.
Seeking to formalize his knack for business, Connor was drawn to colleges that offered robust programs in entrepreneurship, focusing on the logistics and strategies of starting and managing companies. As an avid outdoorsman, he naturally gravitated towards schools in the western United States. His decision was clinched after a visit to the University of Utah, which not only offered a strong business program but also the opportunity to indulge in his passion for skiing during his leisure time.
With his proven track record of entrepreneurial success and a perfect academic environment to nurture his talents, I am eager to see the innovative businesses Connor will undoubtedly establish in the future.